Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Our top ten glam band countdown continues. Here’s what we’ve got so far:
10) Badlands 09) Winger 08) Twisted Sister 07) L.A. Guns 06) Bon Jovi 05) Poison In the fourth spot…Guns n’ Roses.
Hang with me with me here. While Slash, Axl Rose and the rest of Guns n’ Roses will consistently profess their hatred for glam, consider the band’s beginnings. Classic GnR – at its very core – is rooted in all things glam. Axl Rose left the Midwest for the Sunset Strip and Slash gigged all around Los Angeles learning the ins and outs of the axe. He sold Quaaludes to musicians and party goers alike at clubs like the Troubador and Whisky A Go-Go. Moreover, Hollywood Rose and L.A. Guns were, at their inception, gritty glam bands.
After Hollywood Rose and L.A. Guns merged then morphed, Guns n’ Roses was born. The classic line-up featured Axl, Slash, rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin, drummer Steven Adler and bassist Duff McKagan. The five young musicians scrapped for everything they had, and played when they could. When you’re hungry for fame and desperate for food, you’ll do just about anything to survive. As such, Guns n’ Roses played every big club on the Strip, right next to their glam counterparts. Plus, Slash took business advice from Mr. Nikki Sixx.Then there’s the pesky history of Slash auditioning for Poison but we won’t get into that (again).These days, Steven Adler still drums with Adler’s Appetite. That band usually features a revolving door of glam musicians including Kristy “Krash” Majors and Chip Z’Nuff. Adler guested at Rocklahoma and wandered around backstage and smiled a lot. He didn’t seem to have any problems being associated with the glam scene.Thanks to the overwhelming success – and importance – of Appetite for Destruction, Guns n’ Roses continue to influence new Metal bands. Often times, these bands have a “glam streak” or three. Modern bands like Vains of Jenna and Crashdiet are clearly – and unabashedly - influenced by Guns n’ Roses in their attitudes, songwriting and stage appearance. It’s that constant source of inspiration – and continual fan devotion – that makes classic Guns n’ Roses an ultimate glam band.

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